MDA Training / Addleshaw Goddard / Yorkshire Forward
The below website runs on a generic CMS that I built whilst working at Ralph which catered more for the corporate type websites i.e. text based using 1 generic design template
The CMS featured content tiering so that each content item was assigned to a parent content item which enabled the editor to create multiple tiers. This enabled the editor to have complete control of the site architecture.
This multi tier content would then enable me to produce dynamic content navigation and breadcrumb navigation, which was a main highlighted feature for each of these clients.
Other modules were also developed which enabled additional features to be assigned to each content item i.e. assets (images, documents, video), promos, polls, event calendars and unique meta data.
It's an open CMS with endless features that can be assigned.
Please contact me for further information.
URL'S: the below websites part of the Yorkshire Forward Group also used this CMS.